Dr Prerna Kohli

Life is a precious gift

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive

Life is to be Live!

Strife and distress are not exclusive to places like Syria or North Korea. We face them every day in our regular lives due to various factors. Sometimes the enormity of pain and suffering that is happening world-over, could make us feel overwhelmed.

Before comparing ourselves with people who have it all, it is equally important to look at the lives of those less fortunate. This acts as a reminder for us to be grateful for all that we have and increases our appreciation towards life.

The fact is that in the bigger scheme of things, the time we play around on this planet is very minuscule and if we spend such short span in worry and negativity, we’ll never truly appreciate the miracle that life is!

Here are some of the reasons why life is so precious and after looking at them, you will definitely agree that it makes sense to look at the positives of life rather than just the negatives.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive

We move towards what we focus on:

.When you look at life as just a bag of struggles, we manifest more of that in our lives. Instead, if you look at life as a precious gift, your whole outlook and attitude changes and all the worries seem to shrink in their size.

Every failure has a reason:

Failures are designed to teach us the right lessons at just the right time that we need them. They are not punishments but agents of enlightenment. Instead of letting failures take us down, we should rise up and be more inspired to get better.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive

Pain is gain

Pain is an agent of awareness. It enriches mind over time. We grow and learn through pain. Use pain for your gain instead of letting it rain hailstorms on you.

Savour life

If we look at the whole of the Universe, the chance of you being a human on earth is one-in-a-zillion. Savour and celebrate every moment. Let it not be wasted.

Gratitude fuels hope

We understand that it is tough to feel full of hope when everything around you is shattered into a million pieces. But, when we’re grateful, we move out of fear into a state of love and security. These new positive emotions fuel hope.

Live it to the fullest

Life is too short to hold on to grudges and unpleasant emotions. Release them. Have forgiveness conversations. Live it to the full intensity that you deserve to enjoy.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s top Psychologist explains what a wonderful gift it is to be alive

Comparison kills uniqueness

Your life is unique. Your journey is valuable. You matter in this world and yes, of course, we need you. Quit comparing yourself with others because everyone is on their own timeline and no two journeys are comparable.

Share it

In grief, in loss, through the thick and thins, your friends and family are there for you to share your pain with. No problem is too big. Don’t sweat the small stuff and remember that it’s all small stuff.