Dr Prerna Kohli

7 More Relationship Tips

In continuation to the previous article, here are seven more tips that will help improve your relationship with your partner or Significant Other (SO).

It isn’t you against your partner, but you and your partner against the problem:

Each time a situation arises, instead of making it an issue with your partner, you need to come together to fight the situation as a team.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist Share Relationship Tips
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist Share Relationship Tips

Important Discussion need a face-to-face discussions:

Never discuss something important over a chat message. Ideally these discussions should be had in person, or at the minimum over a phone call. Never on a WhatsApp chat.

Arguments can be Healthy:

Every time you have an argument with your partner, it is an opportunity to learn something new about them. It is a way to become closer to each other.

It’ not your job to make them happy:

Many times people in a relationship thing it is their job to make their partner happy. In this attempt they reduce themselves to being a doormat. The relationship is equal. Each party is entitled to be happy.

Right or Happy? The choice is yours:

Do you want to win each argument, is it more important to you to be right each time or is it important to be happy. Happiness beats right any day.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist Share Relationship Tips
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist Share Relationship Tips

Great Relationships don’t just happen:

When you see other couples who have a great relationship, believe that all of effort has gone into it. Great relationships need nurturing and hard work.

Personal Growth:

The most important thing that you and your partner can give each other is space and time for personal growth. You may be a couple, you may believe that you are soul mates. You still need to give each other room for growth.

Just a little bit of effort from both partners can make your relationship healthy and strong. Together as a team you much stronger to face the challenges of life.

To learn more about Dr. Prerna Kohli click here

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