Dr. Prerna Kohli

Dr Prerna Kohli

How to Manage a Suicidal Crisis

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis

Suicidal Crisis

A crisis situation immediately demands that you seek help from a mental health professional. Whatever be the source of your feelings, a qualified professional can help you deal with it. Here are a few things to do when you face such a crisis:

Seek help immediately:

A qualified mental health professional or suicide helplines, whatever that is, but, make sure to seek help immediately.

Go to a clinic:

If the helpline service is not enough for you, immediately visit a clinic, a hospital or a therapist.

Talk to someone: 

Confess to someone you trust. A colleague, a friend or a neighbor or go for online chat-rooms. Talk on the phone or have someone visit you at your place.

Wait wisely:

While help is arriving, make sure you sit down somewhere safe and concentrate on your breathing. Also, slower and deeper breathing helps you relax. Also, engage in something like listening to soothing music, eating your favorite food to distract from such thoughts.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis

Preventing the occurrence of crisis:

Approach a mental health care professional: First of all, get appropriate help to assess your situation and causes, such as depression etc., and be regular with the counseling sessions. Also, have someone to keep you accountable to attend the sessions until your situation gets better.

Support group: Build a support network around you that is available in situations of crisis.

Access control: Most importantly, remove yourself far from access to anything that could help in suicide like sharp objects, drugs, rope etc.

Avoid being alone: Enough said. Be in someone’s vicinity, a family member, friend, support group, therapist etc.

Learn about it: Also, get some knowledge on various risk factors that lead to such situations. It could be isolation, stressful events, disorders, diseases, bullying etc. Thus, learning about it helps us cope better and also leaves us better human beings.

Sleep: Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can cloud your judgment. Thus, catching up on some good sleep can give you new perspectives.

There’s no undo button: Give this decision good time and pause. Avoid the sense of urgency for action. Once done, it can’t be undone. It’s a mistake you won’t live to regret.

You’re not alone: Many people have been through this and gotten better. So, there’s no reason why you can’t achieve the same!

Restart: If your present conditions or environment is not to your liking, always remember that you can switch places, jobs, schools etc., and restart your life afresh.

Hurting yourself won’t help: If you are angry at someone or something, hurting yourself in revenge won’t help. Hence, things or conflicts are better resolved with communication or intervention of an experienced person or professional.

Take care: Continue caring for yourself with treats, pampering, grooming, trips, shopping or whatever you fancy. Always be vigilant not to allow and keep track of suicidal thoughts.


Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis

Life is a precious gift. Don’t end it unnaturally.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, India's Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis
Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s Top Psychologist explains how to manage a suicide crisis